Trinity Lutheran Church
Tuitions and Fees
110 High Street, Ashaway, RI 02804
(401) 377 – 4340 ext 12
Tuition Prices – 2024/2025
Half Day Preschool Prices: 1 day/wk - $99.75 per month
2 days - $199.50
3 days - $294.00
4 days - $388.50
5 days - $483.00
Full Day Preschool Prices : 1 day/wk - $220.50 per month
2 days - $444.00
3 days - $567.00
4 days - $693.00
5 days - $819.00
A minimum of 2 days per week is required. You may choose a mix of full and half days, i.e.,2 half and 1 full in a week.
The first payment is due August 1st , the second one due September 1st and monthly thereafter through May 1st . Tuition for June will be for half the month or one half of total monthly amount.
There is a $75.00 non-refundable registration fee for new students only. We offer a 10% sibling discount on the total tuition if more than one child from the same family attends. Checks should be made payable to: Trinity Lutheran Preschool and mailed to the address at the top of this page or be brought to the school during school hours and placed in the tuition box. It is the parent’s responsibility to make payments on time. Tuition payments reserve a spot in the program for your child regardless of their attendance. There will not be credit given for any missed days. If there is a financial hardship, please see the director to make other necessary arrangements.
In lieu of fundraising, we instituted two mandatory enrichment fees, the first one due in October and the second one due in March. You are required to make a payment of $50 each during these two months. Our tuition costs cover staff payroll, materials, supplies, upkeep of the building and necessary tests and inspections such as water, lead, fire, radon, etc. per order of The Department of Children, Youth and Families. The enrichment fees cover all special programs, educational guests, parties, classroom equipment, etc. that enhance our school program.
Registration Forms:
Child Information Form
Allergy Form
Physical /Immuniations
Consent to Release
Emergency Treatment
Photo Permission

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hours options click here.